By Sam Keller  -  September 2, 2020

We're on Day 4 here in Tahiti.

Today we'll take the COVID 'self-test' that has been mandated by the French Polynesian government for all entrants to the territory. If the results are negative, Kaz and Sienna will be allowed to begin attending the Tahiti International School in 7 days. In the meantime, we're continuing Zoom calls with their school in California.

The only wrinkle is that the 8:30am Pacific calls start at 5:30am here in Tahiti. So we're experiencing some very early mornings, made worse by the ubiquitous roosters that don't just crow when the sun comes up. The lil' buggers seem to be nocturnal.  Last night at 3am I could clearly hear all the cockle-doodle doos despite having stuffed earplugs as far as possible into my ears.

We're counteracting the incipient sleep-deprivation by doing Swim Class With Daddy in the pool. Yesterday we also did an impromptu biology lesson by driving up the road next to our house, which quickly turns to dirt and enters primary rainforest. Sienna was excited to take photos of humongous purple leaves, banyan trees, and a worm.