By Sam Keller  -  November 4, 2020

If you’ve been in the throes of raising kids the past few years, chances are you’re unaware of a cool phenomenon that’s been happening amongst millennials. 

Numerous companies have arisen - such as Unsettled, WiFi Tribe, and Remote Year - which enable young professionals to meet up in the world’s most enticing destinations, where they spend a month living, working, and exploring together. Now, the challenge is to make these opportunities available for families. 


Living in Costa Rica for a month, enjoying camaraderie with like-minded people, staying together in oceanfront villas, working remotely alongside one another in a hip co-working space like those offered by Selina.  

After pausing at the onset of the pandemic, such coworking retreats are taking off again, turbocharged by the trend towards remote work and the pent-up demand for travel and social connection.

Yet the companies providing coworking retreats typically don’t allow kids. They’re not set up to accommodate parents, who need support keeping their kids engaged when they work or want a break.  

That’s why Working Without Borders is coming onto the scene. 

As an entrepreneurial dad, the motivation is in my heart-and-soul to forge these opportunities for families.  

Just because we’re parents of young kids or teenagers doesn't mean we can't live adventurous lives.  

If we’re fortunate enough to have kids, the means to travel, and the ability to work remotely for several weeks, we can give our families the transformational experience of living temporarily in other cultures and ecosystems.  

Not only that, we can do so with a stimulating community of like-valued families.  

The latest scientific research into well-being and longevity shows that a cluster of factors is important for a long and happy life, including community, relationships, diet, purpose, mindset and more. Our retreats are being designed with these factors in mind. 

Together with each other and our kids, we can experience a lifestyle that elevates our day-to-day reality to its higher potential. 

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