Dispatches from Paradise

Our CEO's Interview on HeartSpeak

Have you ever wanted to take a leap?

And by a leap, we mean a study abroad experience for your entire family!

When the pandemic hit, Sam Keller and his wife were finally able to pursue their dream of living abroad, moving their family to Tahiti. This immersive cultural experience led Sam to create Working Without Borders, a public benefit corporation that makes it easy for families to live temporarily in incredible destinations with a tight-knit community. 

In this recent interview with Kate Stone of University Gurus, Sam dives into: 

  • The experiences that Working Without Borders offers families.
  • Whether a "family abroad" experience is the right fit for you. 
  • How Working Without Borders takes care of the details of temporarily moving abroad!
  • The benefits of doing a family adventure like this.
  • The joy of making adult friendships through this experience. 

If you're looking to bust your family and your educational experiences way outside of the box — Working Without Borders is a big sign saying perhaps it's time to make your dream of travel a reality.